Research activity

Research activity

Last modified: 19. October 2022

The scientific activity of the Institute's academic staff is primarily related to the field of education, and research is also conducted in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and health sciences. In recent years, early childhood research, as well as special pedagogic and animal-assisted pedagogic activities, have gradually become a priority area. At the institute, we place great emphasis on organizing individual research topics into a coherent system, encouraging teamwork, and generating joint scientific activity between departments. 

In 2021, the Early Childhood Research Group was established in line with the training portfolio of the Institute of Education, which carries out research of great practical relevance that supports the education and development of the 0-12 age group. The primary goal of these research is to make the education of the age group more effective and efficient. The Research

Group examines the pedagogical problems through which: 

  • the development of the age group and the individual children involved may become optimal; 
  • added pedagogical value may increase in the given institute; 
  • the competence and recognition of professionals may be strengthened by generating better career opportunities; 
  • intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral cooperation of the institutions responsible for the care of the age group can be improved; 
  • the cooperation between institutional education and families may develop more favourably; 
  • parents' needs may receive more differentiated responses, and the range of services supporting the operation of the institutions can be enriched. 

In addition to the scientific activities of the lecturers, the Institute of Education pays special attention to the students’ opportunity to participate in departmental research during their studies. Our students present their research results at in-campus and national scientific conferences, where they have achieved numerous awards in recent years.